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Cry For Help

Posted on Tue Apr 21st, 2020 @ 3:43pm by Lieutenant General Steven MayTa

Mission: Cry For Help
Location: Bridge Sanctuary
Timeline: Current

(occ) Ok jumping a head a bit Razor and his team had left about a day 1/2 ago be for the Sanctuary and starting t set things up.

Col.MayTa sitting in his office listing to Captain Be'lana going over things. His computer charps, one second
Be'l. nayTa activates his computer, Razor what is it? Lt. Razor sir he are all most done setting up here. Things are wore that they say. I'am sending you a report now. Col.MayTa nods, we are almost done here. As soon
as we are We will hit Slip Stream and be there in 18 hrs. Lt. Razor aye sir. Col.MayTa turns off the computer.
He looks at Captain Be'lana Its time to kick it into high gear. you got 3 hours to finish up. Captain Be'lana
jumps up aye Sir. She walk sot and heads down to the cargos bay.
Col.MayTa sits back and thinks for a bit,+Com+ Chief Katana I want all drives systems recheck and ready
to go, We will be going to Slip Stream once we leave space dock. Lt. Katana +Taps+ ayr sir, she looks at Lt. Lazerus, Ok you heard him. Lt. Laze4us chewing on a piece of beef jerky, yep just like all way, wait till he
falls off his rocker. The we really get grinded.

( 2 1/2 hours jump be fore leaving space dock)

Col.MayTa walks out of his office Dyson Make sure all systems are ready, Sgt. Howard lets make sure
Tactical is in the green, we are leaving in 4 hours. Sgt, Howard sir Holo Com coming from Admiral Star Sir.
Col.MayTa put him threw, The holo padd glows and Admiral Star Is standing their, How are we doing Colonle?
Col.MayTa fine sir we are leaving in 40 minutes sir. Admerle Star You still have a 3 to 4 days travile ahaed
of you. Col.MayTa No sir i'm going to take us into Slip Stream sir. Admiral Star loks at him, Slip Stream,
you have not tested the new systems yet? Col.MayTa I know but Razor and his team report things. Are
we leave.
Admiral Star nods very well Colonel God Speed. The Holo Com turs off. Sgt.Haowl send the Admiral Starthat report. Col.MayTa sits in his seat +com+ Attention crew we are going to belaveing in 24 minutes,
I want last minutes checks done in 15 mics (Minutes). Captain Be'lana walks in, sir we are ready, she takes
her seat, and starts going over all departments.

(5 minutes left to go)

Col.MayTa Be'l? Captain Be'lana all departments are ready sir, +Com+ Katana lets boot the Sanctuary up!
Its time to go. Cwuttoo Katana +Taps+ aye sir, she hits a few buttons and the Sanctuary comes to life,
running lights turn on and the greyish puter color of the hull of the ship. Its an erry look to the ship.
Col.MayTa Tactical report to dock we are ready to go, and clear all morings and docking clamps. Sgt.Howel
Sir we are clear from dock and can now leave. Col.MayTa Mister Keno thrusters ahead 1 quarter. Lt,Keno
aye he slowly moves the Sanctuary our of dock. Col.MayTa looks at Be'lana and smiles, Once we clear the
dock ahead full impuls till we clear warning beacons. (16 Minutes pass and we clear Beacons) Lt. Keno we
have just cleard Beacons sir.
Col.MayTa set course for Candis V slowly take us to maximum wap. +com+ Katana we wi;; be going into
Slip stream in 40 Seconds. Lt.Keno starts calling out warp factors. Col.MayTa Keno we hit max warp jump,
right into Slip Stream. Lt, Keno nods aye sir, warp 8 8.8 9.0 9.5 9.9999 Lt.Keno hits tow blue buttons.
The Sanctuary moves smothly into Slip Stream. Col.MayTa ETA he asked? Lt.Kenom18hours sir. Col/MayTa
looks at Captain Be'lana you have the bridge, wake me 2 hours before we arrive. I'am going to bed now..
Captain Be'lana gets up and goes to take the big chair. She stops and pauses, Col.MayTa you can sit here,
and keep it warm. Captain Be'lana aye sir, looks like y need some sleep. Col.MayTa walks off down the ramp.
Captain Be'lana slowly sits down and smiles, she thinks ohh its warm and she sits back and takes command.

*end* (occ ok people I like to see bit more logging coming from you all =) we got to look good and show
UCIP we know what we can do)


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