Another day at the Office
Posted on Mon Apr 20th, 2020 @ 11:57pm by
Cry For Help
Location: USS-Sanctuary
=/\= USS-Sanctuary Bridge=/\=
Be'l was on the bridge during her watch as she sat on her Xo's chair even though she could have sat in the Colonel's chair. Be'l was looking around the bridge crew were doing their jobs right, as she kept out looking into space as usual. It was just her watch on the bridge and The Colonel must of went to his quarters for the Night. But like any other time, she just needed to be here. Things are quiet on the bridge as she notices everyone doing their
Duty, and Be'Lana on her watch. Be'L got up from her chair starting to walk around each officer's station as if she was a Security officer making rounds
throughout the ship. But instead, she's on rounds around the bridge like clockwork. As Be'Lana was walking around the bridge she went into the Co's Office to use his replicator to get a cup of Raktajino to keep her awake, throughout the night as she took a seat in his office for a little bit, before heading back onto the bridge Be'Lana was reading a few padds on the mission at hand so she would be on the lookout for anything suspicious.
Be'L then grabbed her Raktajino with a few of the padds and head back for her XO Chair for the rest of the evening and night.
Capt Be' Lana Sok'Mat
Executive Officer