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new Officer on the block - XO

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 10:34pm by

Be'lana had just boarded the Sanctuary , she looked for a fellow security officer to help her find her quarters and getting her on the road to
meet her co Col Mayta. Be'l continued following the security officer to her quarters as she told the security officer thanking him for helping her
out to her quarters when she reached there.

Be'l than reached her quarters as she nodded to the security officer and grinned as she walked into her quarters. Be'l asked the computer to
turn the lights on as she kept walking in with all her belongings and things to decorate her place, she placed her things on the floor and began looking
around her new place, with a medium window to look out into space which she enjoyed alot. Be'l checked out the Bathroom and all its features
and was satisfied how everything is to her liking. She walked over to where the ships computer is and told the computer she would like a cup of Raktajino, hot of course. So she sat down and decided to relax before duty with her cup of Raktajino before starting the day.

Captain Be'Lana Sok'Mat


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